
Hi! I'm Sarah Moon!

The Fun Begins: Three More Prompts to Build Your Authority

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Hello Reader,

Quick note: our office is completely closed through the end of the month. I love getting your replies to these weekly emails, so just know that I'll be reading them when I'm back from vacation! In the meantime, we're visiting some of the core concepts I explore with consulting clients in building their marketing strategy.

In last week's email, we explored the foundations of clarifying your authority, it’s time to shift into the Create theme. For some, this is a sweet spot. You might love to write or blog, to create video, record your podcast, or design graphics and resources.

For others, it might be a nightmare to think about creating more content. It may feel like performance, or writing reminds you too much of horrid school assignments where it was always a challenge to express yourself.

Whatever camp you're in, or if you're somewhere in between, I've got you.

What content have you created in your business?

Think you don't have content? Think again! Make a list of everything important that you’ve created for your business. This includes but is not limited to: videos, diagrams, documents, social media posts, emails, website page drafts, etc. Spend some time really digging into this—some of our best stuff has come from simple client emails! Don’t limit yourself.

What of this content did you love creating? Why is that?

Doing work that's suited to your strengths—whether you're a solo artist 😉 or have a team—is essential for your marketing to feel authentic and authoritative to your audience. This newsletter is my top-level marketing tool for the reason that it's where I'm most comfortable and where it's easiest for me to express myself. So, I dedicate time and resources to it. Yes, I do other things, but everything else flows from this starting point, making those platforms and tactics I'm less strong with easier and more within reach. The same goes for the subjects I discuss: the topics I love, I talk about more, because it feels natural and the enthusiasm shines through (I hope!).

What language and common words do you hear from real clients or customers regularly? Make a listen of common questions, phrases and requests.

I tell clients that we almost need a glossary as part of our marketing strategy. When we start listening better, hearing the words and the intention behind what our audience is saying, we can meet them where they're at and reach them more easily than our competitors can. This really plays out when it comes to leveraging the search engine in marketing and most people are using different language than their audience is. This can be a real superpower when done thoughtfully.

The answers to these three prompts form the foundation of your content strategy, serving as a beacon to follow so you don't get off course.

If you stay true to your answers, the marketing content is so, so much easier—one of my Spark Sessions clients said to me, "Wait, wait, I can make videos and talk about what I love and that's a legit strategy?" Yes, it sure is (with a plan in place, of course). Then we leverage that creatively so we're being smart and efficient.

I'll be back next week with the final installment in this series—in the meantime, hit reply and let me know your answers to these questions!



Do you have a tough challenge you'd like to tackle with purpose and focus?
⚡️ Then you'll love working with me 1:1 in our Spark Sessions program. This is the intensive marketing & business strategy sprint folks have been asking for! A structured, co-creative experience with me (Sarah) over six weeks, plus Voxer access, that will uncover the solution that will put you on the best path forward. Hit reply and we'll get you scheduled for a call to talk about it!

Curious about what this looks like? Read my client stories about this experience here and here.

Hi! I'm Sarah Moon!

The status quo of modern marketing isn't designed for you and me.The hard truth is that most marketing strategies are designed for massive corporations, while small businesses, consultants, coaches, and other experts are left feeling that the advice they’re given just doesn’t fit—and they’re right. We have two choices: we can struggle to force our businesses into an ill-fitting mold, or we can reinvent a system that works for us and allows us to thrive. I don’t know about you, I prefer door number two. 💌 Reach our team at 🌟 Ready to work together?

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