Join Me Live: Business Blogging Tips

Hello Reader,

I'm in my friend Jamar's excellent YouTube marketing membership, the Low Lift Club, and in that program he's challenging us to use the livestream tech in YouTube to get videos up more quickly and to stop stressing about getting it perfect. (Progress, not perfection, right?)

So, I'm doing a scary thing and hosting a YouTube Live on Friday, Sept 27 @10:30am Pacific. It's about my favorite hacks to make blogging for your business easier. These are super doable tactics that I've developed over my 16+ years of blogging for my business.

I'd love to see some friendly faces there, since I get nervous about the possibility of people being mean to me on the internet! Here's the link to join live:

Also, because the YouTube interface is weird, here's a link to add the event to your favorite calendar app:

By the way, if you're not interested in receiving emails about my blogging program, do go ahead and click this link so you won't receive any more emails about it. (You WILL get this Friday's email, which will touch on that subject.)

Talk soon,


P.S. If you don't need any more info, and you're ready to get your business blog going once and for all, join Hit Refresh right here. It's going to be a ton of fun!

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