
Sarah Moon

The status quo of modern marketing isn't designed for you and me.The hard truth is that most marketing strategies are designed for massive corporations, while small businesses, consultants, coaches, and other experts are left feeling that the advice they’re given just doesn’t fit—and they’re right.We have two choices: we can struggle to force our businesses into an ill-fitting mold, or we can reinvent a system that works for us and allows us to thrive. I don’t know about you, I prefer door number two. 💌 Reach our team at 🌟 Ready to work together?

woman in gray long sleeve shirt holding green leaf

The Magic of Invisible SEO 🧙🏻

Hello Reader, Quick note: YouTube did a number on me and flagged me for... something? Which resulted in my doing a whole live while apparently being banned from livestreaming. (We believe this is a tech glitch on their end.) My sincere apologies if you showed up this week and saw nothing but a blank screen. I'm trying to get the file recovered and if that doesn't work, I'll re-record the video and pop it up on my channel. I sure felt like a jerk emailing thousands of people to join me live...

Join me live: "Are you making this marketing mistake?"

Hello Reader, Want to hear about the number one mistake I see from business owners, whether they are solopreneur types or larger entities? (No, I'm not immune from this mistake either.) Well, I'm going to be talking about this live on YouTube on Wednesday, February 19 at 11am Pacific. I'm super excited to kick off this series of YouTube videos and as a special thank you, I'll be dropping a coupon link for everyone who attends live. Here's the link: Want to add it to your calendar? Click this...

A person placing a block into a pile of wooden blocks

Marketing when you can't stand marketing... 💡

Hello Reader, Before I get into today's newsletter, a few "housekeeping" type notes: We recently did a migration of all of our current paid courses. You should have received an email about your course access. If you have a current paid course and can't access it, please email before getting mad at me—I promise it's a fixable problem! My long-retired Squarespace SEO Hacks is making a return with all new content. If you're interested in this, hit the waiting list so I can let you know about it....

A room filled with lots of books next to a doorway

The Perfect Story 📖

Hello Reader, 👉 Quick Note: I'm doing another YouTube Live next week—come hang out if you're free, it'll be loads of fun, I promise! After my newsletter last week about the story of my hair (I hope you enjoyed it), someone replied and asked me how do I always have a story for everything? I wish I could answer that I'm just an inherently gifted storyteller with a Rolodex of perfect stories in my brain. But that would be a lie—and truthfulness is something I always promise. So how do I always...

The Fringe Benefits of Small Steps 💇🏻‍♀️

Hello Reader, Almost ten years ago to the day, I met my hairstylist Ally. Ally is the best, but no lie, the reason I initially decided to have her fix my too long, gone a year-plus without a cut, hair was because her bio mentioned she had a dog named "Curl"—naturally, I figured we'd get along! When I had my first appointment, I sat down and Ally asked me the usual question, "So what do you want to do with your hair?" To which I replied, "You can do anything you want except give me bangs."...

A small animal sitting on top of a pile of rocks

I'm boring! 🥱

Hello Reader, Last week, I taught a fun workshop about website migrations and I found myself saying multiple times something like, “Listen, we don’t want this to be exciting! There are very few occasions I want a thrill in business. Let’s keep this as boring as possible.” Of course this is true in the very glamorous and exciting world of website migrations, but it’s also true in most areas of business. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my business finances or marketing to feel like a...

A wall with sticky notes attached to it

💡15 Marketing Ideas That Aren't Social Media

Hello Reader, 👉 If you're reading this before 11am Pacific, there's still a chance to join the live workshop I've teaching today, all about website migrations and SEO. Learn more here! In light of all the chatting I've had in my inbox lately, and as a follow-up from last week's newsletter, I thought I'd do a brain dump on my last point about trying new things to get the word out and raise awareness of your business. Remember, that's the "Discover" segment of our marketing ecosystem. (Some...