"There's No Template"

Hello Reader,

This week, I hosted my second Community Conversation of the year. Because of a combination of the odd time (scheduling between Portland, Oregon USA and Sydney, Australia is tricky) and my mediocre promo (probably a bigger factor), our attendance was lower than usual.

However, I believe this is one of the most important conversations we've hosted—full stop. (And we've hosted some great ones!)

I was joined by my dear friend Mark Schiralli, a business growth mentor and content strategist. Mark has a long history in both the corporate world and entrepreneurship, and has a background in accounting prior to moving over to The Dark Side aka Marketing & Sales.

Oh, and many many years ago, he cohosted a podcast about basketball with yours truly.

I really encourage you to zip over to the SM&Co Crowdcast and watch the whole thing. However, if you don't have the time, I wanted to share three incredibly significant points that came up in this discussion.

There is No Template for Business or Life

Who hasn't fallen into the trap of following someone else's idea of how we're supposed to be? In this clip, I love the framing of not working within someone else's template and making our own.

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Finding Joy in Business

This is from the closing comments, and it put such a fine point on the entire concept of how if you play your cards right, entrepreneurs can find joy in so, so much.

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Passion vs Joy in Business

Drawing the line between passion and joy isn't always easy, but it's necessary. Identifying what we love doing vs. what fulfills and energizes us may seem trivial, but this conscious realization could make all the difference

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If you take nothing else away from these clips (and hopefully watching the replay), it's this: The route to joy is through understanding ourselves, granting ourselves permission for change, and prioritizing what really matters.

Talk soon,


P.S. We're scheduling for quarters two and three and the books are getting filled up. Please, please know that this is not false urgency and scarcity nonsense, it's just a reality of my packed schedule and limited capacity. Reach out if you're considering working together earlier rather than last minute. Thanks for understanding!

Hi! I'm Sarah Moon!

The status quo of modern marketing isn't designed for you and me.The hard truth is that most marketing strategies are designed for massive corporations, while small businesses, consultants, coaches, and other experts are left feeling that the advice they’re given just doesn’t fit—and they’re right. We have two choices: we can struggle to force our businesses into an ill-fitting mold, or we can reinvent a system that works for us and allows us to thrive. I don’t know about you, I prefer door number two. 💌 Reach our team at hello@smco.studio. 🌟 Ready to work together? https://sarahmoon.net/get-started

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