One Simple Question Conquers Content Block 💡

Hello Reader,

You’ve probably heard me talk about the power of blogging and content marketing. I mean, if you've gotten more than a few newsletter from me, you probably know how I feel about this, right? Blog post this, content strategy that... But there’s a good reason I keep bringing it up.

Creating evergreen blog content isn’t just about SEO or website traffic—though it's easy to find yourself thinking that's all it is.

It’s also—and more importantly—about building trust and relationships with your audience.

Imagine a blog post that works hard for you, answering questions and attracting potential clients long after you hit publish. That’s the magic of content marketing on your business blog.

Let’s break the simplest path to making this magic happen:

  • Start small. You don’t need to produce a massive blog post every week. Do what you can do, on a schedule you can achieve. This is one of those situations where setting a stretch goal will set you up for failure, so resist the temptation.
  • Focus on your audience. What are their frustrations and aspirations? What questions are they asking? By providing solutions and answers, you're positioning yourself as an expert and earning their trust.
  • Consistency matters. While it’s tempting to focus on perfection, remember that done is better than perfect and we love rough draft thinking. Be consistent with your message and you will build a loyal following of leads.

Here's how I recommend you get started (or restarted) with your business blog:

Ask yourself: “How can I help someone today?”

This simple question can spark some amazing, inspired ideas. Maybe you can create a quick guide, answer a common question, or share a behind-the-scenes look at a part of your process that seems scary and hard to outsiders.

Remember, it’s about providing insights and value, you're not making a direct ask for a sale in this kind of content. You can invite them to join your newsletter, download a freebie, or even book a paid call, but there's nuance in tone that makes a difference here. Information seekers need a bit more time to decide if it's a match. Long-form content creates a different kind of relationship and does not follow the same buying patterns as social media content.

When you genuinely help people, they’ll remember you.

Talk soon,


P.S. Ready to hit refresh on your business blog? Join the waitlist for my fall pop-up program, Hit Refresh: Revitalize Your Business Blog.

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