The Lowdown on Summer of SEO 2024

Hello Reader,

Summer of SEO 2024 isn't for everyone—it's a very specific angle of SEO, which is really and truly all about using data we get from the search engine to raise our voices and grow our audiences.

❌ It's not for people who want to get an A+ in their Google Search Console scores (no one ever does, by the way).

❌ It's not for people who focus exclusively on "the techy stuff," like page speed and Core Vitals (these things are important, but just one piece of the SEO picture).

❌ It's not for businesses selling physical products at a high volume. (You need to work with someone who specializes in that niche.)

❌ It's not for folks who haven't proven that their service or program is sellable—SEO cannot create demand where there is none—please don't believe snake oil salespeople who promise this.

Here's the thing: the way I strategize around SEO is different—and it's not for all the people, and that's how I like it.

In reality, SEO is simply the data-rich source for thought leadership and a discovery engine.

It works best when it's part of a complete marketing picture, which is why Summer of SEO 2024 is three months long. Together, we're going to work on the foundations of what you want to be known for, your evergreen search-fueled content strategy, and the best ways to turn searchers into leads. (I talked about this in my "bookends" newsletter a few weeks back.)

Let's get down to the brass tacks and talk about what's going to happen in Summer of SEO 2024:

✅ We're going to be together in a cohort for June, July, and August (the session schedule in in the FAQ section of the program page on my website)—there will be a variety of live sessions, coworking opportunities, and some surprises.

✅ During that time, you'll plan and implement your SEO-fueled strategy using my Alignthority™system—which is designer specifically and intentionally for subject matter experts, who are typically neglected in search engine strategies specifically and marketing strategies more generally.

✅ VIP tier SoSers (there are two of these spots left as of the writing of this newsletter) will also get three one on ones with me, as well as a shared workspace in Notion.

✅ Because this cohort is intentionally small, there's lots of space for flexibility, so you'll be able to get insights and advice for YOU—you won't just be another face on Zoom. For example, curious if you're targeting the right keywords? You can ask and I'll look it up for you!

✅ This is bigger than SEO, it's designed to build brand-building, leverage-able, intentional thought leadership that you can use and repurpose for years to come.

A couple of key dates to remember:

  1. The extended, no-penalty payment plan is only available through end of day June 1, 2024.
  2. Enrollment will close end of day June 10, 2024 (or earlier if the program fills before then).

I'm so excited—this is the kind of program I would love to join, and what so many folks have told me they want and last year's SoSers inspired thanks to their feedback that they wanted to go deeper.

Ready to be a trendsetter instead of an algorithm chaser? You'll feel right at home in Summer of SEO 2024.



P.S. If you have questions about this, or want to know if SoS 2024 is right for you, just hit reply and I'll invite you to chat over Voxer or email.

Hi! I'm Sarah Moon!

The status quo of modern marketing isn't designed for you and me.The hard truth is that most marketing strategies are designed for massive corporations, while small businesses, consultants, coaches, and other experts are left feeling that the advice they’re given just doesn’t fit—and they’re right. We have two choices: we can struggle to force our businesses into an ill-fitting mold, or we can reinvent a system that works for us and allows us to thrive. I don’t know about you, I prefer door number two. 💌 Reach our team at 🌟 Ready to work together?

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