30 Free or Cheap Marketing Tactics You Can Do Right Now 💥

Hello Reader,

Too often, we humans overly-complicate, well, everything. And in my world, that means that it's very easy to put up blocks to actually "doing marketing."

I've been there myself. Can't promote the new thing until I've built an amazing marketing funnel. Can't share the new lead magnet until an awesome graphic is created. Can't until, can't until, can't until... As a result, we take no action and we stagnate—which is no good.

However, I believe there is a lot of value in taking a few steps even if you don't feel ready, and even if you're not feeling confident investing loads of time, energy, and financial resources in marketing.

So, I sat down and make a list of as many easy, free (or cheap) marketing activities as I could think of that you can do to begin establishing a marketing habit.

  1. Create a Google Business Profile
  2. Add updates to your GBP whenever you create a blog post or have other news to share
  3. Go through your old email newsletters and create an evergreen sequence so new subscribers get your greatest hits
  4. Remind your email subscribers of your freebies and let them have no opt-in access
  5. Use Canva to create a shareable infographic about your field and ask colleagues to share it
  6. Create a subject matter FAQ and publish it as a blog post
  7. Host an industry roundtable on Zoom and ask participants to cross promote it
  8. Repurpose your past live events (such as our community conversations series) into lead magnets to build your mailing list
  9. Give your favorite clients extra business cards and ask them to share the extras with their colleagues
  10. Add a request for a Google review to your appointment thank you automation (we use Acuity/Squarespace Scheduling for this)
  11. Be a big fish in a small pond and participate in a niche platform like mastodon or post.news
  12. Answer industry questions on Quora
  13. Check in with past clients with no agenda except caring how they are
  14. Turn a template you use with clients into a revenue generating lead magnet
  15. Cross-post a few of your favorite blog articles to LinkedIn using their article feature
  16. Offer a client a free strategy or coaching call in exchange for using it on your YouTube channel or podcast
  17. Create a values/what we believe page or statement on your website
  18. Write a case study focused on the process of working with you not the deliverable
  19. Add a call to action to your email signature
  20. Review your onboarding and off boarding processes for opportunities to improve the customer experience
  21. Add an FAQ to your contact page to make it more keyword dense
  22. Update your website’s SEO titles and descriptions
  23. Interview an industry colleague for your blog and ask them to link to the interview when it’s live
  24. Host a live Q&A/ask me anything about what you do
  25. Add a newsletter signup to your most popular website pages or posts
  26. Participate in local or industry networking groups
  27. Add a keyword rich description of your business to your website footer
  28. Turn your best topic cluster into an ebook
  29. Create a video walkthrough of your business/marketing framework
  30. Add a request for referrals to you off-boarding process

Please don't try to do all of these things! Pick 1-3 and try them and see what happens. Evaluate, test, and tinker. Do more of what works, and less of what doesn't.

Before you know it, you'll have a regular marketing habit.



P.S. If you're thinking about working with our team, please know that our books are super full. So, please reach out early so we can set up an alignment call well before you're hoping to kick off your our collaboration.

Hi! I'm Sarah Moon!

The status quo of modern marketing isn't designed for you and me.The hard truth is that most marketing strategies are designed for massive corporations, while small businesses, consultants, coaches, and other experts are left feeling that the advice they’re given just doesn’t fit—and they’re right. We have two choices: we can struggle to force our businesses into an ill-fitting mold, or we can reinvent a system that works for us and allows us to thrive. I don’t know about you, I prefer door number two. 💌 Reach our team at hello@smco.studio. 🌟 Ready to work together? https://sarahmoon.net/get-started

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