Frameworks, Models, & Systems — Oh my! 1️⃣ 2️⃣ 3️⃣

Hello Reader,

I was emailing with my friend and colleague Nic from Studio Clvr after last week's newsletter, because I'd made a joke about including my framework/model whenever I get a chance. (She said something very kind like "I support you sharing this all the time " and we chatted a bit.)

As a reminder, it's this:

I was telling Nic that I love frameworks—they're such a valuable tool for literally anyone. Having a codified model is effectively documenting your thinking, and making it an official tool in your work. The Venn diagram I use is inspired by Simon Bowen's Genius Model but there are many useful model or frameworks out there you can look at for examples.

I have another model/framework that I don't share publicly that I use as a tool for evaluating the stage someone is at in their authority-building. This looks like a pyramid. I refer to it, and its accompanying evaluation, all the time when I'm talking to people.

Yours can be a simple list, a bullseye (I use this to illustrate content's role in thought leadership development), a process diagram, whatever—visuals help some brains, but they're not a requirement.

While your model or framework doesn't have to be in a particular format, the act of codifying it is essential to truly building an authority-based business because it centers your big picture thinking and says "Yes, I've created something original and unique." Which is extremely beneficial—here are some tangible uses/results for codifying your thinking and methods:

  1. Frameworks and systems keep me line—I get very excited about all the things, so my model is a tool for evaluating if an idea is an asset or a distraction.
  2. I steal from my framework every single day for my content. If I feel uninspired, I look at this model and think about which of the nine elements would be most helpful to someone today.
  3. I use it as a teaching tool when I guest coach in people's programs. If you want to reach other audience, this is such an easy way to do so. (My current "roadshow" presentation is "SEO for Everyone" which is pulled straight from the "Engineer Luck" component of my Aligned Authority™ model.)
  4. This is a bit of weird self-psychology, but it also makes you feel "legit," which makes you bolder, which is a good thing because it makes you more memorable and more likely to pursue opportunities.
  5. On the flip side, it also helps you to appear "legit" to others as well. When you demonstrate that you've done the work in codifying your knowledge, it makes a difference.
  6. Having a clear structure and system makes it easier for others to make referrals to you. Why? Because they know what you're all about. I matchmake service providers all the time, and folks who have a clear methodology make it leaps and bounds simpler for me to explain why I believe it's a good match.
  7. You've got a thing you can turn into endless other things. (Thing being the technical term here.) You can turn your models/systems/frameworks into courses, lectures, certifications, workbooks, you name it. You generate flexibility when you've codified your thinking
  8. Just throwing this out there: I'm sure there are legal implications as well (I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV).

I could go on and on, but you get my point (I hope): codifying your work matters. Because your work matters.

Talk soon,


P.S. Does this intrigue you? I help our clients codify their marketing movement in our 1:1 Spark Sessions program. Hit reply for more info!

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