Own Your Voice (A Reminder)

Hello Reader,

Earlier this year I wrote about the importance of owning your voice.

That refrain keeps dancing through my mind in nearly every conversation I have. I am fortunate enough to know a lot of really brilliant, creative, industry-altering professionals and too often they'll say something to me, or post a thought on social media, or say something in conversation with a colleague that's literally the heart of their message.

And those wonderful ideas just float off into the ether, never to be seen again.

I talked about this a bit in my Marketing Beyond Social Media webinar last year (it's free to rewatch, if you're interested). Here's a very brief except:

video preview

(Yes, I know this thumbnail is mildly terrifying, but it's also hilarious, sooooo...)

One of the things I guide my clients through is identifying those gems and developing a strategy (I'm using that word very much on purpose—a plan is nice, a strategy is even better) for folding them into your overall permanent body of work.

A random post on Threads is NOT part of your body of work.

Nor is an Instagram Story.

Neither is a Facebook post.

Those are difficult to search and, more importantly, beyond your control.

You don't OWN your voice on those platforms.

I'm not a hater, I believe there's fantastic utility in those platforms—especially when it comes to building networks. I've met incredible collaborators and friends thanks to those platforms!

But, again, you ultimately don't control those venues.

Here's the thing, though: What's in those mediums? That's the bones of your body of work.

What I want for you is to build something that is YOURS. That's a home for your thought leadership, where your proof of expertise lives, and what represents your brand's cornerstone.

Year after year, Edelman's Thought Leadership study tells us that decision makers look at thought leadership—what you've published—when deciding on the people they're going to work with. This has been a consistent trend year in and year out.

The core of Hit Refresh, my blogging program for business owners that starts next week, is designed to guide you to do just that: own your voice. I'm here if you want to talk over email or Voxer to determine if this month-long program is right for you, right now.

If your bandwidth is limited and you're not interested in hearing more about Hit Refresh, go ahead and click here and you won't receive any other promotion emails about it—though you will get my Friday email.



P.S. I'm also hosting a YouTube Live on Friday where you can get a taste of the program. Join that here!

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